Art Therapy




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WHAT: Tilles Center for the Performing Arts presents a “first” for Long Island: the interactive public brain fitness art installation “PuzzleArt™ PathWays – The Next Step to Brain Fitness” by Long Island artist Alli Berman.

Art Opening: Meet the Artist event and interactive brain fitness activities (cognitive calisthenics) for all ages and abilities. Attendees will get Free access to Berman’s online brain fitness workout. Optional 3D glasses will be provided and handouts will include access to Berman’s  online cognitive workout game for free.

WHEN: Sunday, December 2nd at 3:30pm-5:30pm for opening, meet the artist, cognitive calisthenics and refreshments.

WHERE: Tilles Center for the Performing Arts at C.W. Post in the Atrium,

720 Northern Blvd, Greenvale, NY

WHO: Interactive installation artist Alli Berman

WHY: Learn about the artist’s ideas and techniques in this afternoon of art, community and connection to cutting-edge installation art. “PuzzleArt™ Pathways to Brain Fitness”, is an enlarged, free flowing suspended interpretation of Berman’s hands-on therapeutic art. She created her installation art for public use and enjoyment, and also for use as an interactive component to her PuzzleArt Therapy™ System. Berman suffered a CVA (stroke) 20+ years ago, which fueled her interest in the brain, art as therapy, and the power of art to heal.

Berman worked with behavioral optometrist Dr. Susan Fisher, and consulted with neuroscientists, TBI and PTSD specialists, and other therapists to create the first vision and cognitive therapy system to use fine art at its core. Health professionals in 16 countries use Berman’s concepts, products, and system to help people of all ages and abilities develop and improve cognitive function, oculomotor skills, and perceptual learning ability. Many people can work on 20 different skills to help improve memory, focus, letter and word recognition, concentration for sports, creativity, perceptual learning, binocular and oculomotor skills and more for success in school, business, and life.

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Contact PuzzleArt™ therapist, interactive artist Alli Berman for brain fitness art, and fine art info

516.695.3110    email: [email protected]    

Contact behavioral optometrist, Dr. Susan Fisher for medical, scientific and therapeutic info

516.783.6460    email: [email protected]  

Contact Tilles Center marketing, Director, Susanna Stickley for Tilles Center and Installation info

516.299.2752    email: [email protected]  

Alli Berman. installation. interactive. therapeutic. public. corporate. hospitality. and residential art

PuzzleArt™ is exhibiting at the Tilles Center at C.W. Post: 720 Northern Boulevard  Greenvale, NY 11548