Adventures With PuzzleArt Alli™ in 3D! Activity Books
Our series of activity books in the Achieve Success Program help build strong perceptual learning, oculomotor, binocular, learning and creativity skills using PuzzleArt™ concepts first developed by PuzzleArtist™ Alli Berman. Several exercises on each page help you work on visual discrimination, figure/ground, memory and more than seventeen other visual perceptual categories as indicated by our PuzzleArt Therapy™ icons in the key.
This groundbreaking new vision therapy system was the result of the collaboration between Susan Fisher, OD, and PuzzleArtist Alli Berman. The PuzzleArt Therapy System™ is now being used in fourteen countries and around the US in therapy offices, schools, private and government hospitals and clinics. It’s the first therapy to combine binocular and perceptual therapy using abstract art. It’s the fun and colorful approach!
The two Activity Books in our Achieve Success Program can be used with the PuzzleArt Therapy System™, or for stand-alone therapy for classroom, office or home use. Each Activity Book offers more than 200 fun exercises. Achieve Success Three is in the process of final testing and should be available Winter 2012.
•Achieve Success One
Beginner level and for the developmentally challenged. Includes a pair of our special 3D glasses.
•Achieve Success Two
A more challenging program. Includes a pair of our special 3D glasses.
•Achieve Success Three
Our most challenging program. Includes a pair of our special 3D glasses.
•Answer pages are available online with a code
Designed to integrate easily and effectively into your practice or use as a stand alone product. Kids and adults around the world LOVE working with PuzzleArt™
Amblyopia/Supression (use with red/green glasses)
Auditory Integration
Bilateral Integration
Binocular Skills (includes our special 3D glasses)
Cognitive & Problem-Solving
Form Constancy
Letter & Word Recognition
Peripheral Vision
PuzzleArt™ Protocol
(including sensory integration, our Brain-Click-Connect™ methods, and our One-Two Finger-Follows™)
Spatial Relationships
Thinking Skills
Visual Closure
Visual Discrimination
Visual Figure-Ground
Visual Memory
Visual Motor
Visual Perception
1 Beginner Level Activity Book (56 pages – 200+exercises) $50
10 Beginner Level Activity Books $450
Great for home therapy use.
1 More Challenging Activity Book (64 pages– 250+exercises) $60
10 More Challenging Activity Books $540
Great for home therapy use.